It was a story of survival from the infamous Auschwitz. Although it was very easy to read, the writing was not on an amazing level. It sounded too much like a cheap love story while I was supposed to be reading about the horror and inhumanity of Auschwitz. アウシュビッツの生存者の物語。とっても読みやすい作品ですが、決してよく書けているわけではないという印象。強制収容所のおどろおどろしい空気や、恐怖…そういったものが全く伝わってこず、安っぽいラブストーリーを読んでいるような気分になりました。 The book is based on the real story, including the love drama part. It’s such a miracle that the couple survived and the story of them is passed down to the world through this book all around the world. I really wished if this book had more depth in the writing, it would have become another one of the masterpieces on…