Buly is one of the trendy cosmetics brands everyone seems to be talking about all over the world right now. Their lovely packaging had been tempting me to splash out online, but I was determined to get my first Buly at their original shop in Paris, where the brand was first established back in 1803. 今、世界中の注目を集めているBuly、私もかわいいパッケージに惹かれて思わずオンライン購入してしまいそうだったのですが… 初めてのBulyは絶対に、パリの本店で購入したいと決めていました。 The shop is located in a quiet street, and I was just about to walk past without noticing it. Their classy looking decor and costumes made me feel like I had traveled back in time! お店はとっても静かな通りに位置していて、思わず通り過ぎてしまいそうになったほど。クラシカルな雰囲気の内装とスタッフさんの衣装が、まるで本当に1803年にタイムスリップしたかのような気分になります。 From the varieties of products they offer, including hand cream, hairbrushes and toothpaste, I decided to start…