The first half was wonderful. I once thought this book would be one of my favourites. Beautifully written and I felt so close to all the characters! However, I was so disappointed by this book as it gets to the last. The book is divided into three parts. Part I was fantastic, Part II was OK, but Part III was almost like a different book.
The story was about Koreans who live in Japan, so-called zainichi Koreans. I think it’s so rare to find a book written about them in fiction and as well as not to become particularly anti-Japanese. It grasps concerns and history of their life very well from both Korean and Japanese viewpoints. It’s a sensitive topic.
Another theme of this book was a sacrifice and suffering. The main character Sunja sacrificed a lot for her children. Sufferings of women are written in details.
It was very convincing and realistic at first, taught me a lot about their complex life. However, the story gets unfocused later on. There are so many minor characters who are minorities and suffering, sacrificing themselves in different reasons than being Koreans in Japan. Their part was always too short and gave me impressions that these were off topic. Bits of every kind of minorities in one book might help to cover all kinds of suffering. However, I thought it was too much. In part during the 80s, there were too many stereotypically ’80’S’ eccentric characters. It blurs the good atmosphere and feeling of understanding the difficulty of zainichi. Also, the character was almost giving a whole speech suggesting the insights of the author, how Japan needs to be changed. It is OK to make readers think about the problems and let them articulate their own opinions. But ‘teaching’ through the character is too ‘educational.’ I am not a fan of that type of book.
Although the book describes well about characters (only in the first half), it lacked descriptions of scenery. I could not see the difference of Korea, Osaka, Tokyo etc. It could be anywhere. Unnatural usage of small Japanese words such as Hai, Honto, So desu, Maji etc were distracting. If it used properly, it could work as a spice in the book, making the characters more real, but for me, a native Japanese, it sounded so strange.
It was such ambitious and challenging book with a good theme and good scenes until it gets the last one third. I could give 4/5 for the first half! I personally am interested in the topic ever since I was an undergraduate, I myself have done a bit of research and interview. I am aware of the difficulty and familiar with the topic before start reading this book. That is why this book was just so disappointing. I even felt angry that it gets unfocused and strange at the end. Through reading the Acknowledgement, I felt the author’s passion to this topic of zainichi. Sooo mottainai! Maybe, the author needed a better editor, and it could have been a great book.
とっても挑戦的で、良いテーマ、良いシーンがある一冊なのに、後半三分の一がそれを台無しにしているような。前半だけなら 4/5 くらい好きな本なのに… 私は個人的に、在日の問題に興味を持っていたので、学部時代に少しリサーチやインタビューをした経験があります。この本を読む前から、ある程度の知識と問題意識がありました。だからこそ、この本が残念でならない。読み終えるころには怒りのほうが強かったくらいに。あとがきから、作者の情熱も感じられたから、もうほんと、もったいなくて!!!きっともっと良い編集者さんがついて、少し手直ししたらすごく良い一冊になったんだろうな。
(追記 2月25日)
やはり、物語の後半は主人公たちが置き去りに話が展開してしまっている、という印象が拭えないのですが… 由佳里さんがおっしゃっているように、「国籍」というもの、「移民」という存在を考えさせる良い本であることは間違いありません。
Updated (25th Feb)
I came across with this review written by Yukari Watanabe-san.
I did not know that this book is the best seller in the United States. Considering the issue of the immigrants in the US, I can see the reasons why this book is that popular.
When you read this novel, I want you to forget your nationality. And I want you to be just a ‘reader’.
That way you can empathise them as a human being in their hardships.
Yukari Watanabe (translated by miki)
After all, I still think the book is not great as it gets to the end, the main characters and the main theme are left behind in the second half of the story. But, as Yukari-san is saying, there is no doubt that it is a good book that makes you think about ‘nationality’ and ‘immigrants.’
Since it was not my favourite book, I will not change my rating, 2/5, but it does not mean this book is bad. I would love more people to read this book.
More reviews available on my book blog Intermission Ambience
書評ブログの Intermission Ambience にも本のレビューを書いています。あわせてぜひご覧ください!