Auschwitz-Birkenau Memorial and Museum @ Poland * アウシュビッツ強制収容所を訪れて



The reason why I planned a trip to Poland was because I wanted to visit Auschwitz.


I read Hana’s Suitcase when I was in primary school, The Diary of Anne Frank in junior high school and Man’s Search for Meaning in high school. The more I read about the Holocaust, the more I wanted to know about it. I wrote my dissertation about war responsibility and apology for both my undergraduate and masters degrees’. I read so much about Germany during WWII and the post war period.


Because it is tragic and sad history, I did not want to just passively read about it. Rather I wanted to see it through my own eyes to understand more deeply and accurately about it. When I went on this trip, I was studying my master in London. I took trains from King’s Cross to Germany and to Poland. While on the train, I was re-reading Man’s Search for Meaning again, to prepare myself to witness the scenes I have tried to imagined how it was like.


Auschwitz and Birkenau (which is in this photo) played such tremendous roles in Holocaust. Many Jews and other victims suffered in hellish conditions, travelling on this railroad toward their eventual death.



Seeing empty rooms and empty beds, I felt all the descriptions in the book overlapped onto the scenery, as if I could see all the victims right in front of me. By visiting the place in which this tragic history was made, my understandings and recognition of the Holocaust changed and deepened. It was no longer just something written in the book. It was something that really happened, not so very long ago.



I took the English guided tour. Our guide was a Polish woman who had been working here for more than 20 years. She never spoke emotionally, and did not try to overly dramatise the events of the past. That made me think about things even more. It was a 6-hour study tour with participants from all around the world. I saw so many things, and I heard so much, but…



There’s very little I can add to what has already been written and said about Auschwitz. There is just one thing I really want to tell you, and that is that YOU SHOULD VISIT and see everything with your own eyes, and think more about it.



When I told some of my friends that I visited Auschwitz, they reacted like ‘Wasn’t it scary?’ Of course, it was scary. That is why people should learn about it. We need to consider why humans can act that brutally. Reading is not enough to imagine what actually happened and to think about it deeply. (Personally I am scared of blood and bruises so much, but Auschwitz was not that kind of experience. It’s more about mentality, seeing all those piles of shoes and hair collected from the victims…)


Learning history is about reflecting the past onto the future. It is shameful to remain ignorant.



The world is full of sad news. Although there are so many wonderful places I want to share on this blog, a great many scars from the past also remain. We need to face up to those scars to build a better future.


I wish for the world to become even more wonderful. With my prayers in mind, I wrote this blog post.


Please go and visit.

Auschwitz-Birkenau Memorial and Museum


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