英語の勉強法 * How I learned English

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As I have been requested to write about how I learned English, I am going to write some history of my English learning and tips I can share.

何度も申し上げている通り、私の英語はとても中途半端です。イギリスの大学院に正規学生として進学するには十分でしたが、ローカルたちのように、正確な英語を話したり、proof reader(英語の文法や校正ミスのチェックをする人のこと)無しで宿題の論文を書き上げることはできません。このブログで書いている英語も、意味こそ通じますが、読む人が読めば、ネイティブではないこと、決して素晴らしいレベルの英語力を持ち合わせているわけではないことがわかると思います。しかし、以前からバイリンガルとして英会話講師をしたり、翻訳の仕事の経験もあるので、「それなり」の英語力はあると自負しています。

My English is not so great. It was good enough to study masters in London, however, I was unable to finish my essay without help from proofreaders to correct my grammatical errors. I still face difficulty in speaking, I am unable to speak fluently as the other students would do. I am sure that I am making so many mistakes while I am writing this blog post. Although my ability to use English remains just in a ‘Fake Bilingual’ quality, I have worked as a bilingual English teacher, and as a translator, I acquired a ‘certain level’ of good English. As a purely domestic English learner from Japan, I must be in a very good level.


I believe myself that my English is still developing, I keep learning and learning. I hope this blog post would help as many English learners as possible.


I started studying English when I entered high school in Japan. I have never been to neither language schools nor lessons for English. Considering current trend to start learning English in the early stage of life, I am one of the late starters. My parents don’t speak English. But they loved travelling abroad thus I had opportunities to travel around the world on the packaged tour at least once in a year. Exploring the world in the youth motivated me to learn more about a foreign country, language and cultures in a later time of my life. Through books and films, I started to be more interested in British and American cultures.

そんな私の英語への意欲が爆発したのが、当時、全盛期だったハリー・ポッター。かなりのハードコアファンだった私。約1年1冊のペースで発売される日本語版の新刊が待ちきれず、英語の原書に挑戦していました。1ページで何十回も辞書をひきながら、無理やり、何か月もかけて読んだハリー・ポッターの最終巻が、私の英語での読書の始まりでした。もう、執念ですね。読みたくて、続きが知りたくて、仕方がなかったのです。そんな興味は徐々に、ハリー・ポッターから洋画、洋楽へと移行。ひたすらBrit popの世界観に浸り、日本語訳されていないウェブページやインタビュー映像を探しては、夢中になって辞書を引きながら読みふけり、見続ける・・・そんな感じ。英語の能力を証明するために英検にはチャレンジしていましたが、学びのほとんどは読書や音楽からでした。

My turning point was at the time, Harry Potter came out. I grew up reading them and became a super hardcore fan. I couldn’t wait for the translated version of the new book. (It took more than a year till the Japanese version came out.) Thus, I started reading the English version using dictionaries twenty and thirty times a page for new words. I was just so obsessed to know what happens on the next page, next chapter. My interest in Harry Potter opened the door to another interesting field of cultures, for instance, films and music. I was a big fan of Brit Pop and indie bands in the UK. I was reading many websites and regularly watching the interviews which were not available in Japanese. By doing so, I naturally acquired a good ability to read and listen to English. I took Eiken (English Proficiency Test) and other exams to prove that I am good, but mostly, I learned through books and music.


These experiences structured my core and basis of English ability. Genuinely I just wanted to know the things which were only available in English. English was a tool that I needed to be able to use.


I tried to immerse myself in English environment throughout my undergraduate life, by joining in English debating club, taking courses in English, writing thesis in English. It required me to research about politics, economy and current social problems in English. Thinking, speaking and learning in English dramatically improved my skill especially in building a good vocabulary.


Thus, my English improved to the level that I was able to study masters in London.


In short, my English is learned through ‘actual practice,’ instead of studying.


I studied for the Eiken, but the Eiken and other Exams like TOEIC do not help you become an English ‘user.’ It’s hardly effective to be able to have a casual daily conversation. Studying to get a high score on the exams and to be able to use English to read, write, speak are two completely different things. I did not study to be able to use English, rather I learned English naturally by using English. In addition, I learned English through my hobbies, thus I did not feel like I was ‘studying’ at all.


There are five tips I can share from my experience.

1, Motivation: English Through Hobbies



If you are ‘studying,’ someday, you will find it hard to keep it up. It could be anything, so just find something you can connect English and your interest. In my case, it was Harry Potter, films and music. Let’s just start from easy things.

It’s very simple, but you just need to forget that you are ‘studying’ English. You need to enjoy it at the level that you can keep doing it forever.

2, Vocabulary: ‘See’ the Vocab Book


I said I did not ‘study,’ but for vocabulary, you need to work a bit hard. If you don’t know the word, you will never understand what it is about. While you enjoy your hobbies in English, whenever you find the words you don’t know, it is better search them.


The vocab book is not helpful if you are not using it properly.


What I did was just to ‘see’ each word. Just take the vocab book with you to wherever you are going. Open the book whenever you have a spare time.


There are thoughsands of words you should know. It is so tiring if you try to ‘memorise’ each word. The word you ‘memorise’ do not always become the word you are able to ‘use.’ If only you know the meaning vaguely, it is not necessary to remember the exact meaning and translations of the word. Just a faint memory is fine! Eventually, you will face the words while you are enjoying books/films and your faintly memorised word will be one of the vocab you can use.

まるで景色を見るように、1冊を気が付いたら30周していたー…くらいの勢いで、クセになるまで眺めます。私はあまり単語を書いて練習したりはしませんでした。単語って膨大な量があるので、全部書いてたらどれだけ時間がかかることか… 意味を把握するだけの単語学習なら、「ながめる」だけの、「うろ覚え」で十分。

As if you are seeing the view from the window, just see the word and go through the book as many time as possible. You need to make it as a habit, so that you would go through the book for more than thirty times without noticing it. I never tried to write down to remember. It just takes too much time.


If you are planning to take the exams, it’s better to use the vocab book for each exam your are taking. There are tendency in each exam.

3, Grammar: Memorise the phrases.


I really hated studying grammars. Thus, I just memorised everything as phrases. All the phrases in my textbooks, films and fiction books, like memorising the pattern of usages. Just in case I felt stacked in understanding the meaning of the text, I checked the simplest and easiest grammar book. You don’t really have to know the grammar to be able to say something. You just need to build the phrase pattern you can use, like vocab.

4, Pronunciation: Shadowing


Shadowing (if you don’t know what that is, please search.) improves your pronunciation dramatically!

中学や高校で使うようなテキストについてくるCDから始めるとやりやすいです。私も最初はそういうものから始めて、最終的には英語のドラマや映画(Gossip Girl大好きで、Blair派でした。Blairのセリフとか一通りシャドウィングしてました。もちろんHarry Potterも。)を英語字幕付きで見ながら、登場人物になりきってシャドーイングしていました。でもこれも趣味の一環のように、好きだからできたこと。トレーニングだと思って取り組んではいませんでした。楽しいですし、だんだん自分の発音がよくなっていくのを、きっと自分自身で感じることができると思います。ちなみに、私の目標はハリー・ポッターでエマ・ワトソンが話しているようなイギリス英語。笑

I started from the CD attached to my textbook and then tried to shadow all of my favourite TV series at that time. I shadowed Harry Potter and Gossip Girl. As if you become an actress, just speak and move with the characters. I always shadowed Blair. But I really wanted to speak like Emma Watson. lol

5, Speaking&Writing: JUST DOOOOO IT!!!!!


Don’t be passive. You just need to use the language. Looking out for the opportunity. I was always checking for local events and volunteering session. There are so many you can involve, using your second language.


Also, just talk to yourself! I narrated my entire actions during the day in English all the time. It’s weird, but will surely improves your speaking.



I know my way of learning English was not perfect. Because it was not perfect, I am still struggling most of the times…. But for those, who are tired of all these ‘Textbooks’ English’ which are not practical at all, like how I used feel for English class at high school, my tips might help.


I am still learning everyday. Please do share your tips for learning with me!

note : 英語学習について


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