As soon as I found it on Instagram, The Red Wheelbarrow Bookstore was on my to-visit list in Paris. With a cute blue look and cosy atmosphere, I was certain that this bookshop must be a hidden gem for booklovers in Paris. Instagramでかわいいブルーの外観と居心地よさそうな店内の写真を見つけた時から、 The Red Wheelbarrow Bookstore はずっと私のパリで行きたい場所リストに載っていました。パリの本好きたちが集まる秘密基地のような場所に違いない!確信がありました。 It’s not a big shop, but it’s full of well curated books. The Canadian owner is very helpful and easy to chat to, I got a handful of very good recommendations for books set in Paris! 決して大きな本屋さんではありませんが、選び抜かれた本が空間中にぎっしり。カナダ人のオーナーは親切でとても話しやすく、私もパリが舞台の本を何冊も選んでもらいました! Well loved by the local English community, there were customers coming in and out very frequently. Everyone starts chatting with the staff about new books…
Exceptionally elegant and chic, Librairie Galignani is one of the most Parisian bookshops you can find in Paris. エレガントでシック、まさにパリジャン!という佇まいの Librairie Galignani は、きっとパリで一番の本屋さん。 They sell both French and English books. Their English section is located at the back of the bookshop. Lit by the natural light from the roof window, it looked like a scene from a booklover’s dream! 英語とフランス語の本を取り扱っています。英語のコーナーはお店の一番奥、吹き抜けの自然光に照らされて、まるで本好きの夢のような空間なのです。 They cover a wide range of newly published English books as well as a collection of classics. The French author selection was definitely the best among the bookshops I visited in Paris. 英語で出版された新刊の他にも、古典作品が多く揃っていました。フランスの作家の本を集めたコーナーは、今までパリで訪れた本屋さんの中で一番品ぞろえが良かったので必見です。 Their original merchandise, including tote bags and notebooks, were very chic. Perfect for a gift or souvenir. オリジナルグッズもお店と同じくシックでステキ。トートバッグやノートがあり、お土産にもぴったりです。…
When it comes to English bookshops in Paris, people tend to refer to the famous Shakespeare and Company. It’s such a lovely bookshop, but my new favourite is located just round the corner from it. パリで英語の本を買う、というと有名なShakespeare and Companyを挙げる方が多い。確かにステキな本屋さんなのですが、私の新しいお気に入りは、Shakespeare のすぐ目と鼻の先にあるのです。 The Abbey Bookshop is very homey and friendly, it makes you feel like you are visiting your bookish friends’ house. The staff were very easy to chat to, knowledgeable and helpful. I spotted so many locals coming to see the owner to discuss the books they were reading. とってもアットホームな雰囲気のThe Abbey Bookshopは、まるで本好きな友人の家に遊びに来たような感覚になる本屋さん。本の知識が豊かでおしゃべり好きな店員さんはとっても親切。たくさんのローカルたちがオーナーと話すためにお店に来ていました。 The shop itself is almost like a book cave. You will be surrounded by massive walls of books. It might…