(Book Review / 感想) Americanah / Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie


I currently re-read this now a famous book written by a Nigerian feminist Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. Very powerful story of a woman who flew to America. Through the life story of the heroin Ifemelu, the reader can experience the struggle of immigrant, race and woman issues.

有名なフェミニストである、ナイジェリア出身のChimamanda Ngozi Adichieさんのこの本を、最近読み直しました。祖国を離れ、アメリカに渡ったパワフルな女性の物語です。ヒロインのIfemeluを通して、移民として女性が生きることの苦労を、人種問題の深さを想像することができます。

I first read this book when I was an undergraduate student a few years back. After the 911, before the Brexit and the Trump administration. The message of this book is vivid and touching even now. Rather, it is more enjoyable reading it right now.


So-called ‘polarisation’ of the US is a hot topic nowadays. The existence of ‘immigrants’, ‘racial discrimination’ and ‘women’ are now important issues on political discussion. As a master student myself, I have learned so many about the complexity of the problems the country has. It’s not like this novel would explain everything nor provide you with the right answer. But it helps you to imagine more about these topics and the better society. (I also recommend ‘Hillbilly Elegy’ if you really want to know more about the US now.)

アメリカのいわゆる「分断社会」は今すごくホットな話題だと思います。「移民」「人種差別」「女性軽視」の存在はその中でも特に重要な論点です。院生の私自身も、この問題の複雑さを、学ぶ機会に恵まれています。この本は決して、現状を説明するものでも、答えに繋がるものというわけでもないのですが、この本を読むことで、もう少しこの話題について考えたり、社会について知る助けになるように思います。(もし現在のアメリカ情勢をもっと学びたいなら、「Hillbilly Elegy」もぜひ読んでみてください。)

This book is a love story, but this is not just a love story. It comes with a surprisingly condensed essence from feminist, immigrant and political issues deepen the intensity of the story.





Her TED talk ‘We all need to be feminist’ is also a must watch!
著者のTED talkも必見です。


TED talkを元に出版されたのがこちら↑

More reviews available on my book blog Intermission Ambience
書評ブログの Intermission Ambience にも本のレビューを書いています。あわせてぜひご覧ください!

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