(Book Review / 感想) Dominion / C.J. Sansom

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I was looking for a good historical fiction after I finished my now the most favourite book ‘All the Light We Cannot See.’ This book ‘Dominion’ is a historical thriller recommended by staff at Daunt Books. Although I hesitated to get this due to the massive volume of the book, I am so glad that I manage to read this fantastic novel.

お気に入りの本 ‘All the Light We Cannot See ‘を読み終えた頃、読み応えのある、おもしろい歴史小説を探していました。今回レビューするDominionは、歴史スリラー!Daunt Books の店員さんからオススメしてもらいました。すごく分厚くて重い本だったので買うのは躊躇したほどでしたが、買ってよかった。Daunt Booksのオススメはほんと、いつも間違いがない!

The story is written from the viewpoint ‘what if’ Germany won the WWII. It might be a little bit hard for non-British like me to understand difference and contrast of ‘what ifs’ and the reality. I needed brief research while I was reading the first few chapters.


This book is worthwhile to read not only for those who prefer historical books (like me!). This novel describes the people and scenery well enough to feel as if you are walking beside the characters, hearing the secret conversations of the Resistance member and witnessing the brutal interrogation.


Especially for me, the scene in this book reminded me so much of my life living in London as a student just fem months ago! Reading this in Japan made me feel so nostalgic! The main character David is a Londoner, and the headquarter of Gestapo is located at the Senate House, where I used their library frequently when I was a student at the University of London! The main character of the German side, Gunther was staying in the area where I was walking every day to school. The scenery of London in this book overlapped my own memory living there and helped me enjoy more of the great adventure written in this novel.

特に私にとって、舞台であるロンドンの街はまさに学生時代を過ごした場所。この本を日本で読むのはなんだかノスタルジックな気分になりました。主人公のDavidはロンドンの人だし、物語の中でゲシュタポの本拠地になったSenate Houseは、私がよく使っていた図書館があるところ。ドイツ側の主人公にあたるGuntherがロンドンで生活していたエリアは、まさに私の通学路!思い出いっぱいの景色が、物語の世界観とオーバーラップ。ロンドンを一度でも訪れたことがある方なら、きっと似たような感覚を味わえることと思います。

Not to mention, the thrilling adventure of the Resistance team was enjoyable to read. But another thing I was excited (sometimes even furious and angry!!!) about was the personality of each character. Specifically, the main character David was such a bad guy flirting with every women he meets while he has a wife!!!! Such an unlikely man to become the main character.


690 pages, almost as thick as a dictionary. I read it non-stop because it was sooooo exciting and gripping. I missed sleeping at night, and my sleeping cycle get very weird reading this…lol

I even missed finishing this book.




More reviews available on my book blog Intermission Ambience
書評ブログの Intermission Ambience にも本のレビューを書いています。あわせてぜひご覧ください!

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