Daunt Books @ London * 夢の中のような本屋さん

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I like browsing through bookshops. Especially the independent bookshops in London were always fun to stop by.

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If I need to pick just one, from a list of my favourite places, I will choose ‘Daunt Books’ in Marylebone High Street, London.
ひとつだけ、オススメを選ぶなら、Maryleboneというお洒落な通りにある「Daunt Books」(ドーント・ブックス)です。

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The building is very beautiful as it is the Edwardian style. Not to mention, the main floor is fantastic. The stained glass and the arched window are very atmospheric. It always reminds me of the scenes from Harry Potter.



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Children section is a must see!

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Also, the shop staff were always helpful choosing the right book I would love and enjoy to read!

Another point Daunt Books is interesting is that books are categorised by country rather than genre.

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At my first purchase there, I bought way too many books, and I was given their famous green tote bag for free 🙂 Since then, I’ve been using this lovely bag every day.
はじめてDaunt Booksに来たときに、あまりにもたくさん本を買ったからか、グリーンが綺麗なお店のトートバッグを無料でプレゼントしていただきました。それからというもの、このバッグを毎日愛用しています。お店の外観が描かれたバッグ、ロンドンの街中でもよく見かけました。

Daunt Books

  • Daunt BooksがあるMarylebone High Streetは他にも小さなかわいいお店がたくさん。お散歩にぴったりです。
  • It’s very crowded on weekends, especially in the afternoon. I recommend to visit during weekdays or in the morning.



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