(Book Review / 感想) The Handmaid’s Tale / Margaret Atwood

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Soooo many of my friends recommended me to read this book.

かなり大勢の友人から勧められ続けていたこの一冊。英女優エマ・ワトソンのブッククラブ、Our Shared Shelfでも課題本に選ばれていたので、気になっていました。

It was on the list of Our Shared Shelf, which is a book club run by Emma Watson to promote feminism.

ディストピア系の小説はあまり読んだことがなかったのと、あらすじを読むだけでも感じる物語のエグさがひっかかり、ずっと後回しにしていたのです。久しぶりに訪れたDaunt Booksで、先日読んだThe Powerが(こちらもエマのブッククラブで読まれています!)すごくおもしろかったと話したところ、店員さんからかなりの熱意でオススメされたので購入。

I rarely read Dystopia fiction. Especially because this book seemed very creepy, I hesitated to read for a long time. However, the staff at Daunt Books enthusiastically recommended me the book again, after I mentioned that I really enjoyed reading The Power (it’s also on Emma’s Our Shared Shelf).


I am glad I finally read it!


It is about the world where the body of yours is not in your ownership. There is the class like caste based on their sex and reproductive capacity.


This setting of the story itself was just so shocking, but the narrative of the handmaid makes you think more about the real world that you are living in. The story pretty much reminded me of the comment of Japanese politicians referring women as a ‘baby makers’ or ‘birth giving machines.’


This book will question you the role you are expected to take, only because you are ‘women.’



More reviews available on my book blog Intermission Ambience
書評ブログの Intermission Ambience にも本のレビューを書いています。あわせてぜひご覧ください!

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