De Revolutionibus @ Krakow, Poland * クラクフのシックでおしゃれなブックカフェ

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Krakow was a city of the bookshop. I found a small local bookshop in every corner of the street. It was usually full of locals, spending time choosing a book to take home with.


As a book lover, I really wanted to have that bookish experience spending time at a local bookshop. The trouble was that it was very hard to find English books there. Instead, I enjoyed having nice coffee inside the bookshop, surrounded by full of polish books, and book-loving Polish locals.



I found De Revolutionibus just near where I stayed. It’s rather modern styled decor reminded me of Foyles in London.

このDe Revolutionibus 、私が泊まっていたミニホテルのすぐ近くにありました。モダンなインテリアは、ロンドンのFoylesを思い出します。

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Generally speaking, I prefer the classical decor for the bookshop. But this place was unusually cosy. Every food I tried here tasted so good and relatively reasonably priced. Many staff here speak fluent English, and they were so helpful.



I came back here many times for coffee. Lemonade on this photo tasted refreshing and good as well 🙂



I could not find books to take home, but there was a variety of stationary selection (especially their postcards were great), and I was tempted to buy few. In the end, I decided to buy one of this notebook, which is recreated by the actual second-hand book.


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It’s just 5 mins walk from the city centre. Despite its good location, the area around this bookshop was very quiet. If you are tired of all those busy touristy spots around the central plaza, this is the best place to sit down for a while.



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De Revolutionibus. Books&Cafe


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