The Powerの記事へのアクセス数が増えています。せっかくなので、もう少しこの本について書いてみようと思いました。
My review of The Power is getting many viewers these days. I would like to take this great opportunity to write more about this book.
I am a big fan of this book, The Power. I want everyone to read this book, and to get across the message that this book is trying to spread.
8th of March was International Women’s Day.
It must be the day for everyone to think about the progress and the future of women, hand in hand. However, I have seen so many opinions that made me so sad.
In particular, one of the famous TV stars in Japan, Fifi-san, Tweeted about Gender equality in Japan.
(Fifi-san’s Tweets’ Translation)
Opportunities should be equally given to everyone, but in the case of Japan, they have already achieved equality in the level of education and job recruitment. So I cannot understand why people are yelling and demanding for a Gender Free society. Because there are genuine difference in sexes, it is impossible to achieve it. It is natural to divide the roles based on biological difference.
I like men who respect women but I hate women who take it for granted. #InternationalWomensDay
You cannot complain that your man said ‘let’s split the bill.’ #InternationalWomensDay
All these opinions of hers sounded so uncomfortable for me.
Since I was a child, I loved reading. I have been told ‘because you are a girl, reading lots of books is not great’. I have been told, ‘because you are a girl, you don’t have to study that hard.’
In this context, I don’t think Japan is achieving Gender Free. Just because you are a girl, woman or a man, someone tries to change your ideas, no matter how much you want to do, and like to do. If this kind of speech exists, it is hard to say that a Gender Free society has already been achieved.
She disdained a certain type of women in her Tweets. Maybe, there are some others like women who long to quit their jobs after getting married, or women who want to be housewives. Why do these women exist? Are these bad choices you must not choose?
鶏か卵か。どこから始まったのかわからない、そんな やわらかい女性 を良しとする言論。
Feminine females. It’s like a chicken and egg scenario. Nobody knows how it started.
Who wanted these women? Why do these choices still attract so many women here in Japan and is actually one of the major options?
次に思い出すのが、#me tooやTIMES UPムーブメントに関する、テレビのコメンテーターの言葉。
The next thing I was reminded of was about the #MeToo and TIMES UP movement.
In this year Golden Globes, actresses wore black dresses to show their support. One Japanese commentator said, on TV, that it is great to support the movement but the fact all these dresses are so revealing spoils it.
I have been told, if you are groped, it is your fault because you tempted them.
Yes, you might be tempted, but it is wrong to grope! The one who touched your body is bad but why do the victims need to be blamed? Why can’t they wear what they want?
What if it is the opposite? Do they blame men who wear sexy clothes?
It’s a year ago that Emma Watson was blamed for revealing part of her breasts in a magazine. People said it is wrong for a feminist to use sexual appeal. Emma answered ‘Feminism is about giving women a choice.‘
For all these reasons, I want people to read this book, now.
生物学的に男女差があるのは否定しようがない事実です。しかし、この本が描く世界において、その違いの中でも特に顕著である「The Power / 力」が逆転します。
It is true that there are biological differences between men and women. But in this book, the biggest difference – ‘The Power’ – has been reversed.
Whenever I travel, everyone worries about me because I am a woman. ‘What if’ I was a man? For all the people who have ever felt these kinds of ‘what ifs,’ I recommend this book.
This book is not a hard political book to read. So that your imagination will be broadened.
More reviews available on my book blog Intermission Ambience
書評ブログの Intermission Ambience にも本のレビューを書いています。あわせてぜひご覧ください!
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